
Episode 11: Getting Staff Buy-In

Discover how the #1 Cochran Dealer Group overcame staff reluctance towards new technology with teamwork and leadership in the auto industry. Gain insights on achieving staff buy-in for myKaarma's software solutions.


Getting Buy-In from staff at auto dealerships for new technology can sometimes be a challenge. But as cars have become more sophisticated, so has the technology to improve the service experience for customers.


With over thirty dealerships across western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio, the #1 Cochran Dealer Group found some service technicians were reluctant when myKaarma’s video inspection tool was introduced. David Bernardini, Strategic Operations Director, heard the same excuses at every dealership. Techs insisted they didn’t know how to shoot videos or talk to customers, just to name two. There was pushback, but with good leadership and a team effort (and a little help from myKaarma), techs soon overcame their reluctance and discovered the benefits of adapting to the new standard.

One of myKaarma’s Customer Engagement Managers, Suzanne Rogers, visited #1 Cochran Subaru of Butler County, Pennsylvania, to find out how things were going.

#1 Cochran’s success with winning acceptance of myKaarma’s technology is all about teamwork. As business icon Ken Blanchard said, “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

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