myKaarma Blog

Working Backwards: Why it is so important in product design

Written by Ujj Nath | Mar 17, 2024 7:13:00 PM

Let's dive into the magic of "working backwards," especially when we loop it into the world of product design through the lens of the Toyota Production System (TPS). For those not in the loop, TPS is a masterpiece of efficiency, cutting out waste and optimizing every slice of the production process. Now, when you mash up TPS with product design, particularly the "working backwards" method, you unlock a level of clarity and focus that's hard to beat. This approach starts with the end goal - the final product or outcome you're dreaming of - and then, you reverse engineer the steps to get there.

It’s like plotting a road trip starting from your destination, then figuring out the pit stops and routes that lead you back home. Pretty neat, right?

"Working backwards" is a game-changer because it forces you to zero in on what really matters: the customer's needs and how your product will meet them. Instead of getting lost in the weeds with features or technologies from the get-go, you start with the customer experience and work your way back. Imagine you're crafting a new gadget. Instead of starting with the tech, you start with the day-to-day problems your gadget will solve. This pivot in perspective is powerful. It makes you ask the tough but essential questions early on. How will this make life easier for the user? What unique value does this offer? By answering these from the future looking back, you ensure that every part of your design process is aligned with delivering value.

Applying "working backwards" in product design, inspired by TPS, transforms how teams approach their projects. It creates a direct line from customer need to product feature, filtering out the noise that can distract from what's truly important. This method encourages simplicity, efficiency, and, most importantly, empathy for the user's experience. As a designer, it compels you to think about the impact of your design decisions from the very end stage of user interaction, pushing you to prioritize features based on their real-world relevance. So, for all you product designers out there, flipping the script and starting from the end might just be the key to unlocking products that are not only innovative but truly resonate with your users. Give it a whirl, and see where this journey takes you.

This article was originally published on LinkedIn. Connect with and follow Ujj for more insights.