Fixed Ops News

Episode 10: Pickup & Delivery—the Ultimate in Convenience

Written by Rich Samuels | Jul 1, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Just a few short years ago, a concept like “Pickup and Delivery” was far from the mainstream. But suddenly, what was once a convenience became a necessity for every dealership, and myKaarma was ready. We didn’t need a crystal ball to see the future…just an eye toward efficiency—and our ear to the ground! 

Join us as we explore how myKaarma is transforming the service experience with innovative pickup and delivery solutions. Imagine never having to drive into the service lane—sounds like the ultimate convenience, right?

Discover how dealerships are enhancing customer satisfaction by managing all the moving elements of pickup and delivery efficiently. From tracking drivers to ensuring time efficiency and safety, myKaarma’s system covers it all. Learn how the integration of this service with appointment scheduling and route management has streamlined operations and improved the use of loaner vehicles.

See how myKaarma supported dealerships during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering their software for free for 16 months, helping many convert to this more convenient service model. Pickup and delivery have now become mainstream, especially for luxury cars, making the entire process smoother for both customers and dealerships.

As Peter Drucker once said, "Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things." Watch now to see how myKaarma is making service more efficient and effective.