myKaarma Blog

Challenging the Status Quo: How Whitten Brothers Turned Risks into Rewards

Written by Kim Pendergrass | Jul 9, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Standing still simply isn't an option in the automotive industry. Whitten Brothers Automotive  understands this well. Their success comes from embracing change and taking calculated risks. Zack Cochran, Vice President and General Manager of Whitten Brothers, has led this journey, challenging the status quo, overcoming resistance, and ultimately reaping the rewards of innovation and adaptability.

The Leap of Faith

Zack Cochran's path into the automotive world was anything but conventional. Graduating from college in 2001, Zack initially ventured into the investment banking sector. However, he soon realized that this path was not fulfilling his aspirations. His life took a significant turn when he married into a family of third-generation car dealers, the Whittens. Despite having no prior experience in the automotive industry, Zack decided to take a bold leap of faith.

"My father died when I was young, and third-generation dealer Bobby Witt and I have a father-son relationship," Zack recalls. "It’s a massive risk to come work for somebody and jeopardize that family relationship. But I knew I didn’t want to do what I was doing currently for the rest of my life. So, I rolled the dice between taking a blind leap of faith to join the car business or go back to school to pursue medical school. I chose the former, not the latter."

Navigating Economic Turbulence

The early 2000s were a period of significant change for the automotive industry. From the boom years to the financial crisis of 2008-2009, Zack witnessed firsthand the volatility that could shake even the most established businesses. The 2008 recession was particularly challenging, with domestic car dealers like Whitten Brothers anxiously awaiting their fate during Chrysler's bankruptcy.

"There were some interesting times, from feast or famine and back to feast again, and then COVID," Zack shares. "You know, now you separate reasonable operators from weak operators. Times are going to get tough sooner rather than later. But I love what I do. It runs the gamut of emotions, from frustration to elation."

Zack's resilience and ability to navigate through these tumultuous periods underscored his commitment to the business and his determination to lead it towards a more stable future.

Embracing Digital Transformation

One of the most significant changes Zack spearheaded at Whitten Brothers was the adoption of digital tools to enhance service transparency and customer trust. Zack had been advocating for digital service and transparency for years, recognizing its potential to transform the customer experience.

"I’ve been on my soapbox about digital service and transparency for probably four plus years," Zack explains. "People believe what they can see. If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth? The catalyst became Mazda, and to their credit, they were the first to essentially force the dealer body into this concept of digital service."

The introduction of myKaarma, an end to end digital service lane technology solution, marked a turning point. Whitten Brothers initially tested myKaarma against a major competitor, planning a year-long evaluation. However, the competition was cut short when benefits of myKaarma became evident within just 60 days.

The Rewards of Innovation

The decision to fully implement myKaarma was driven by its flexibility and customer-centric design. Unlike the rigid systems of competitors, myKaarma allowed Whitten Brothers to tailor the tool to their specific needs. This adaptability was crucial in overcoming internal resistance from long-tenured staff accustomed to traditional methods.

"myKaarma is highly customizable to the client’s specific business practice and processes," Zack notes. "The system allows us to make decisions about how we want to set up and tweak the system to take care of customers and service vehicles. It’s in line with the modern-day consumer expectation."

The results were transformative. Customer service satisfaction scores soared, hours per repair order improved, and customer feedback highlighted the enhanced transparency and trust. The visual evidence provided by myKaarma's video and photo capabilities allowed customers to see the exact issues with their vehicles, fostering a deeper trust in the service recommendations.

Overcoming Resistance and Building a New Culture

Implementing such a significant change was not without challenges. Long-tenured employees, some with over 25 years at the company, were initially resistant to the new digital processes. However, effective leadership and clear communication helped turn skeptics into advocates.

“The great technicians and the ones that were the first to adopt it are now our biggest advocates for the system. They see the value, not just for the customer, but for themselves in how it makes their job easier and more transparent," said Zack.

Zack’s leadership played a crucial role in this cultural shift. By involving his team in the decision-making process and showing them the tangible benefits of the new system, he was able to foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

The journey of Whitten Brothers Automotive offers several key lessons and best practices for other dealerships considering a similar transformation:

  1. Embrace Change and Innovation:
    • Zack’s story underscores the importance of being open to change and willing to take risks. Embracing new technologies and methods can lead to significant improvements in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  2. Involve Your Team:
    • Involving employees in the decision-making process and showing them the benefits of new systems can help overcome resistance and ensure a smoother transition.

  3. Prioritize Customer Experience:
    • The adoption of myKaarma was driven by a desire to enhance transparency and build customer trust. By prioritizing the customer experience, dealerships can foster stronger relationships and improve satisfaction scores.

  4. Be Resilient and Adaptable:
    • Zack’s ability to navigate economic turbulence and adapt to changing industry dynamics was crucial to his success. Resilience and adaptability are key traits for any business leader.

  5. Measure and Monitor:
    • Continuously monitoring performance metrics and customer feedback allowed Whitten Brothers to make informed adjustments and improvements. This practice is essential for ensuring long-term success and continuous improvement.


The story of Whitten Brothers Automotive is a testament to the power of challenging the status quo and embracing change. Under Zack Cochran’s leadership, the dealership not only navigated through economic turbulence and internal resistance but also emerged stronger by adopting innovative solutions like myKaarma. This transformation has not only enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction but also set a new standard for transparency and trust in the automotive industry.

For other dealerships looking to navigate the complexities of modern service management, the journey of Whitten Brothers offers valuable insights and inspiration. By taking calculated risks, fostering a culture of innovation, and prioritizing the customer experience, automotive dealerships can turn challenges into opportunities and drive long-term success.