
Boosting Service Lane Revenue: The Impact of Offering ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ with myKaarma and Sunbit

Boost service lane revenue by offering 'Buy Now, Pay Later' with myKaarma and Sunbit. Learn how this integration increases repair order conversions and financial benefits for dealerships.

For dealerships seeking ways to boost their revenue, one of the most effective strategies is to remove the upfront cost barriers that often prevent customers from authorizing necessary vehicle repairs. The partnership between myKaarma and Sunbit offers a game-changing solution through the introduction of a “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) financing option. This blog will explore how this integration can significantly enhance service lane revenue while improving customer satisfaction.

Understanding the BNPL Model in Auto Service

The concept of "Buy Now, Pay Later" has gained immense popularity across various industries, allowing consumers to make purchases and pay for them over time, rather than all at once. In the context of vehicle service and repairs, BNPL enables customers to spread the cost of essential maintenance over several months, making it more manageable and less financially stressful.

Sunbit, a leader in the BNPL space, has seamlessly integrated its technology with myKaarma’s service platform. This partnership provides dealerships with a powerful tool to offer flexible financing options, ensuring that more repair orders are approved and completed, rather than deferred due to cost concerns.

How the myKaarma-Sunbit Integration Increases Revenue

The integration of Sunbit into the myKaarma platform is designed to drive revenue growth by converting more repair orders. Here’s how it works:

  • High Approval Rates: Sunbit has an impressive 90% approval rate for applicants, which means the vast majority of customers seeking financing are approved without the need for a hard credit check. This significantly increases the likelihood customers will authorize necessary repairs and services.
  • Flexible Payment Options: Customers can view estimated monthly payments for their repair orders directly within the myKaarma platform. This transparency in payment options helps customers make informed decisions about their vehicle repairs without worrying about an immediate financial burden.
  • Seamless Checkout Process: Once a customer opts for Sunbit financing, they can easily complete the transaction through a payment link sent to their device. This streamlined process not only enhances the customer experience but also ensures that dealerships receive payment promptly via ACH.

By addressing the primary concern of cost, the myKaarma-Sunbit integration removes one of the biggest obstacles to service lane revenue. Dealerships can expect higher conversion rate of repair orders, leading to increased revenue from both service and parts departments.

The Financial Benefits for Dealerships

In addition to boosting revenue through increased repair order conversions, the myKaarma-Sunbit integration offers several financial benefits to dealerships:

  • No Liability for Dealerships: One of the key advantages of this integration is that dealerships bear no liability if a customer defaults on their payments. This risk-free aspect makes the BNPL option an attractive addition to any dealership's payment offerings.
  • Zero Integration Fees: The Sunbit integration comes with no setup or maintenance costs for dealerships. The financial benefits of offering flexible financing can be realized without any upfront investment.
  • Immediate Payment via ACH: Dealerships receive payment directly from Sunbit via ACH, ensuring no delay in receiving funds after a transaction is completed. This prompt payment process contributes to better cash flow management for dealerships.


The myKaarma-Sunbit integration represents a significant opportunity for dealerships to enhance their service lane revenue by offering flexible, customer-friendly financing options. With high approval rates, no liability for defaults, and zero integration fees, this partnership provides a compelling value proposition for dealerships looking to improve their financial performance while also enhancing customer satisfaction.

Dealerships interested in leveraging the power of BNPL financing should explore the myKaarma-Sunbit integration to see how it can drive revenue growth and set them apart in an increasingly competitive market.

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